Drama Day

I havent blogged for about a week though it feels much longer... The dress is still being created and the later it gets, the more my motivations lessens...

Today was a bizarre day... Let me tell you all about it:
Yesterday, I went for contacts again and managed to get them in, YAY! Progress :) Or so I thought. Didn’t manage to get them out though so that was not so good. The optician didnt like me very much but as she was busy someone else helped me who was very kind. So while my ‘helper’ was getting the optician girl, I rubbed my eye a little and the lens vanished from my sight. So there I was, seeing nothing as usual but was also w/o a lens. So the girl looks into my eye with dye and the machine and everything and saw nothing. Naturally, the whole evening my eye itches and I’m thinking this is coz I’ve been poking my finger in my eye for like an hour, coz that would be a logical answer right? So I do nothing, go to bed, am grumpy coz my eye is annoying, have a sleep, come to work, rub my eye… Then today at lunch I am in the lift, alone, and sawthe lens slowly moving around my eye!! So I got out of the lift, in total panic get this girl from work who was trying to calm me down and tell me how to get this darn thing out, which of course didn’t work and I spent the next 30 mins being all panicky. In the end (an hour later) I managed to get it out of my eye…OMG...

Then the whole ash cloud is totally disrupting all flights which is also making me even more panicky about my holiday next week. Coz all this stress and no EFF would be sooo depressing...

More pics will follow soon! Trying to get motivated to make the shoulders now...

In short: I think I’ll wear glasses with my dress LOL


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